Shipping and return policies for Icosandria

Shipping Info
All orders dispatch through Portugal National Post services ( Registered mail with tracking number!

Delivery times may vary! If you want to know how long it will take to receive your order please get in touch with us at or visit CTT website at

All delivery times will be calculated after the shipping confirmation.
If your item hasn't arrived within the expected time, please wait 3 to 5 more days. After that, if your item hasn't arrived, please contact us at
Return Policy
Damaged Items!
1. Please be sure to accept undamaged packages only! If needed, make sure to open your package in the presence of the postman. Do not accept in any case a damaged or opened package since by doing this you implicitly confirm the reception of the damaged items.
2. If your item is damaged, please get in touch with us at to have it replaced. Please describe the situation as best as you can and if applicable attach pictures of the damaged goods and package/envelop. Damaged items will be shipped again free of charge.

Return/Unwanted Items!
1. If you want to return an unwanted item, please get in touch with us first at and let us know if you want to be refunded or if you want to exchange your item. Make sure to provide the right postage or we'll have it subtracted from your refund credit.
2. There is no free shipping on returned items. You'll have to pay for the "send back" shipping. Please get in touch at
3. Pack your returned items well. We will not refund damaged or lost items.
4. We'll only accept back sealed items!